Additional Images
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Sailor Chibi Bespin Su Shuorong

chibibespin.jpg (44453 bytes)  chibibespin4.jpg (110609 bytes)  Shuoro.jpg (46287 bytes) ready2fight.jpg (27941 bytes)
 cbespinasteroid.jpg (33131 bytes)  chikako&shuoro.jpg (37979 bytes) bescath.jpg (173592 bytes)
LEFT - Asteroid (Priire) and Chibi Bespin 
MIDDLE  - Myrkr (Chikako) and Chibi Bespin 
RIGHT - Chibi Bespin and Cathar (Chrone) by Kirana (Omwat)

Su Shuorong

shuoroyukiko.jpg (83179 bytes) shuoru01.jpg (98842 bytes)
LEFT - Shuoro and Yukiko (Hoth), RIGHT by Minae (Honoghr)

cbespinbrooches.jpg (34062 bytes)
Chibi Bespin's different brooches,
 the last one from when she's evil.

Shuroro as Fairy
shuorofairy.jpg (20711 bytes)