Additional Images
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Sailor Yavin Fuukou Ippin

yavin2.jpg (43565 bytes) Yavin.jpg (129804 bytes) Ippin2.jpg (51999 bytes) LongMangaYavin.jpg (47977 bytes) nepyavin.jpg (10222 bytes) SailorYavinManga.jpg (9468 bytes) yavtime.jpg (105704 bytes)
RIGHT by Kirana (Omwat)
CorusBDay.jpg (305261 bytes)PoetryIppin.jpg (169017 bytes) TimeGaurdian.jpg (182571 bytes)
These three are by Priire (Asteroid),
  yavinfire.jpg (34107 bytes) yavinhoth.jpg (123698 bytes) Yavinmangadouble.jpg (178259 bytes)
LEFT and CENTER by Chikako (Myrkr),  RIGHT by Yukiko (Hoth)

Twin Senshi!!
Twin.jpg (72590 bytes) TwinGuardians.jpg (185725 bytes) AsteroidAndYavin.jpg (86812 bytes) TwinGaurdiansBG.gif (232311 bytes) BeautifulTwins.jpg (100249 bytes) priireip.gif (150633 bytes)
RIGHT by Kirana (Omwat)
astercoru.jpg (35290 bytes) astercoruparty.jpg (86594 bytes)
LEFT by Chikako (Myrkr), RIGHT - Chibi Twins at a party! by Ippin (Yavin)

Fuukou Ippin
IppinFuukoospace.jpg (17223 bytes) TheManyFacesOfCoru.jpg (79282 bytes) YavinManga.jpg (60903 bytes) koumiippin.jpg (21557 bytes)
FAR RIGHT - Koumi (Kessel) and Ippin by Shourong (Chibi Bespin)
prettyippin.gif (137428 bytes) coruicecream.jpg (113338 bytes) mangaip1.jpg (73113 bytes) 
LEFT and CENTER by Chikako (Myrkr), RIGHT by Kirana (Omwat)

Ippin and Riku
CoruAndRiku.gif (15894 bytes)
by Priire

Ippin's Ship, the Crystal Prism
TheCrystalPrism.jpg (13603 bytes)

Schylar is Ippin's cat.  Solai is Priire's.
StarCats.gif (26699 bytes)
pic by Priire